- How to delete a course?
- Copyright protection of your content on Kwiga
- Public or trial lesson
- Як змінити статус уроку на чернетку та приховати його від учнів
- Using checkpoints
- How to add an assignment to a lesson?
- How to create an assignment with mandatory verification by the curator?
- How to create a task for different offers?
- How to create a test with scores and automatic approval?
- How to create and conduct a survey among students on the course
- Inhalte der Lektion, alle Arten von Aktivitäten in der Lektion
- Downloading video files
- How to add time codes to the video
- How to add button to the lesson
- Inserting iframe code
- Додавання дробів, математичних функцій, формул
- How to add text with spoiler to the lesson
- How to create a basic course with lessons without modules?
- How to create a marathon?
- Як додати обкладинку на курс?
- Anzeigeoptionen für den Lehrplan
- How to add a public face to a course
- So fügen Sie einem Kurs ein Team hinzu
- Kursvorschau mit verschiedenen Zugriffsebenen
- Блок над уроками (верхній банер)
- Setting delays, schedule for opening and closing lessons (dripping content)
- Selling through a registration form on a third-party site
- How to create a copy of the course?
In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie einen Kurs aus der Perspektive eines Studenten betrachten und wie Sie Einstellungen für einen bestimmten Stream, eine bestimmte Gruppe oder einen einzelnen Teilnehmer überprüfen.
Course Preview
The Course Preview button allows you to view the course as it will appear to different users, such as a student with access via an offer or a participant with limited access.
For instance, you can check whether restrictions on a specific lesson or module included in an offer are correctly configured. In the preview, it's easy to switch to the appropriate access level and see if the content you want is blocked. Or, for a member who has gained access through a specific offer, you can make sure that only the modules that are included in that offer are displayed.
Access levels:
Without restrictions:
In this mode, all restrictions are removed, and the course is displayed in its entirety. This is useful for reviewing all content without any limits.
Access is limited to course settings:
Access is regulated by delays, checkpoints, and other parameters set at the module or lesson level. This mode reflects the experience of participants.
Accessed via offer:
The course is shown as it appears to users who have gained access through a specific offer. This mode allows you to verify that all restrictions and conditions are properly configured. Use it to review price plan settings or specific flows to ensure everything works as intended.
Access as a member:
This mode allows you to see the course as participants do, enabling you to check the availability of materials, navigation ease, and the functionality of all elements.
Additionally, in this mode, you can track participant progress. If a specific lesson has already been completed, it will be marked with a green checkmark, helping you assess which course stages have been finished.
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