Benefits of Using eLearning Tools in Sales Training

Benefits of Using eLearning Tools in Sales Training!

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by Liubomyr Sirskyi
Copywriter at Kwiga

Digital transformation is key for everything from multinational corporations to daily activities. The recent pandemic underscored a crucial reality: survival becomes challenging without integrating technology into our business strategies.

Sales training is pivotal in driving a business's revenue, emerging as a primary focus for companies eager to attract more customers and boost profits. Yet, the traditional approach to sales e-learning is becoming impractical for many reasons.

Coordinating schedules for multiple salespeople to attend lengthy in-person sessions is increasingly challenging. In our digital age, the inefficiency of traditional methods stands out starkly against the potential savings in cost and time offered by online sales training.

Online sales training programs are swiftly becoming the preferred choice for businesses. They not only cut costs and save time but also increase employee productivity and effort. If your business hasn't yet adopted virtual sales training, here’s why it's time to do so immediately.

The Importance of Sales Training Online

Research strongly backs the effectiveness of virtual instructor-led training (VILT) programs, and here's why:

  • Enhanced Learning. VILT programs show that everyone, from sales managers to their teams, benefits from improved retention of selling skills when training is conducted virtually.
  • Operational Efficiency. These programs introduce minimal disruption to daily tasks, keeping sales operations smooth and continuous.
  • Cost Reduction. Another major benefit is a significant drop in travel expenses, which proves that virtual training isn’t just practical; it’s economical.

Cost Reduction

Despite these advantages being known even before the COVID-19 pandemic, it took the global crisis for many sales managers to embrace the importance of sales training online as a viable option. Interestingly, about 90% of sales training companies were reluctant to adopt virtual methods before the pandemic, considering it nearly impossible to deliver effective sales training, especially customized programs, through video conferencing.

There was a prevailing stigma around virtual training workshops, with a common belief that sales training must be conducted in person to be effective.

However, the evidence tells a different story. Studies conducted before the pandemic revealed that sales reps retained information and skills more effectively when training sessions were delivered in short, manageable segments over time, proving that online sales training can lead to sales success.

Why Is Sales Training Important?

There are other valuable benefits of sales training. It not only aids in improving sales force retention by reducing the need for costly recruitment but also enhances employee motivation and engagement. Additionally, it fosters a greater openness to change. Another advantage is that online sales training represents a low-risk investment, as even a modest 0.5% increase in performance can result in profitable outcomes. Furthermore, the training equips salespeople with many benefits, enabling them to enhance their skills, gain practical knowledge, and build confidence for successful selling.

Moreover, the flexibility of virtual sales training allows employees to complete courses at their own pace, even on the go, within set time frames. The most effective programs employ interactive tools to engage learners and provide comprehensive tracking and reporting for management, allowing for real-time monitoring of employee progress.

8 Virtual Sales Training Ideas for Ultimate Success

Here are seven virtual sales training ideas to help achieve ultimate success when trying the benefits of online sales training. Let’s review them.

Interactive Role-Playing

Use video conferencing to simulate real customer interactions where trainees can practice their sales pitches and responses to common objections. This approach helps develop essential sales skills in a realistic yet controlled setting, giving trainees the confidence and finesse to handle real-life sales scenarios.


Implement elements like points, badges, and leaderboards to make training engaging and competitive. This strategy motivates trainees to participate actively and fosters a fun learning environment that encourages ongoing engagement and skill development.


On-Demand Video Content

Videos play a crucial role in memory retention, as people tend to remember only 10% of what they hear after three days but can recall 65% of what they see and hear. Develop a comprehensive library of online sales training videos that cover a wide range of topics, from basic sales techniques to advanced strategies. This resource allows trainees to learn independently and access critical information whenever needed, enhancing their ability to review and absorb complex subjects.

Live Webinars with Experts

Organize regular live webinars featuring sales experts who can share valuable insights and real-world experiences. These sessions should include interactive Q&A segments to allow trainees to clarify doubts and gain deeper understanding directly from seasoned professionals.

Group Discussions and Forums

Create online forums and discussion groups where trainees can share experiences, challenges, and strategies. This collaborative space encourages a sense of community and enables peer-to-peer learning, enriching the virtual sales training experience by exposing trainees to various perspectives and solutions.

Virtual Coaching Sessions

Offer personalized coaching through video calls, where experienced coaches can provide targeted advice, performance feedback, and guidance on professional growth. These sessions are crucial for addressing individual needs and accelerating the development of trainees by focusing on their specific areas for improvement.

Virtual Coaching Sessions

Mobile Learning Modules

Design short, interactive learning modules accessible via smartphones. These modules are perfect for trainees to engage in learning activities on the go, allowing them to incorporate training into their daily routines flexibly and effectively, thus reinforcing continuous learning and skill application.

Timely Breaks

Working from home has given us a closer look into the lives of salespeople. A striking 72% of them often find themselves working evenings or weekends. It's crucial to remember that these hardworking individuals are not machines—they need breaks, too. Introducing short breaks during sales e-learning training allows reps to absorb new information without feeling overwhelmed. Moreover, it's about finding the right balance to keep productivity high and burnout low (no one enjoys being glued to a screen for hours on end without the chance to stretch).


The integration of eLearning tools into sales training programs offers numerous advantages that traditional training methods simply cannot match. From cost reduction and enhanced learning experiences to better scalability and continuous improvement, eLearning tools disclose many benefits of online sales training. As businesses continue to evolve, the use of sophisticated eLearning platforms in training sales teams will undoubtedly become a standard, driving growth and efficiency across industries.