Easy service setup for online school
It is simple to initiate the key setup steps. You need to take advantage of intuitive solutions and launch an online school. Create your own online school and share your first online lesson effortlessly.
Create like an artist
A simple and flexible platform will help you to create an online school, which students can perceive and comprehend quite easily.
Aim at the target target
Establish a learning environment that allows students to access vast knowledge. Create online school and set clear goals, which will determine the minimum grades that students should attain in order to pass their online lessons.
Add some interactivity
You will assess students level of knowledge easily. For instance, you will initiate practical assignments, tests, and final exams that will determine whether students have embraced the content from the learning material.
Responsive presentation page
The landing page will create the “face” of your online school. Similarly, we have implemented the basic components that will establish your educational platform. Within a few minutes, you will start your own online school and specify the names of your lessons, describe them, and outline the learning objectives.
Automatic notifications for online school participants
You do not have to create mailing lists to inform your clients about upcoming activities. Instead, you can use a flexible notification of our lms online academy to engage with the clients and inform them of key changes that you will implement.
Customer base collection and advertising
You will embed adverts in different visual learning materials. You will also add buttons and special fields that should collect information to identify people who are interested in other products.
Simple analytics tools
You should not worry about stuffy menus. Instead, the lesson cards will display all the key components of the website and act as a simple navigation menu.