LMS (education)
What to do to remove the course from the list of products.
Learn effective ways to protect your materials, videos, and presentations, ensuring they remain secure and accessible only to authorized users.
What is a public lesson, how to add a public lesson to the course, and what the lesson can be used for.
Discover how to set a lesson as a "draft" and keep it hidden from students until you're ready to share it.
Learn how to set up a Telegram bot to automate tasks and improve communication. Follow our guide to effectively engage with users via Telegram.
Brief information about the closed group - a separate product on Kwiga, how a student gets into it and how it can be used.
Learn how to create invitation links and set up notifications in a private group. Use our guide to manage access and keep members updated.
Learn how to add a participant to a Kwiga course. This article describes several ways to open access for an individual student: opening access within the course, adding via CRM, or using offers.
Check how your students see the course or any other product.
Key Points for Students on How to Navigate Learning on the Platform.
It describes how a student can access their dashboard and possible issues.
How to add assignments, allow students to upload files, record audio messages, and configure who checks the assignments.
How to create a test with one or multiple answers, how to correctly assign points and set up automatic grading, along with other settings (number of retakes, time for answers, self-learning test).
How to add multiple questions to one assignment.
Creating an assignment to fill in the blanks, select the correct option from the list, as well as a universal solution for mathematical and other calculation tasks.
It describes the automatic and manual creation of an order, editing a previously created order, and changing access conditions or the plan for a specific student.
Learn how to easily add an individual payment link for a student, customize payment options, and ensure a smooth transaction process.
The article describes the capabilities of the Transactions report used to control sales and the financial component of your project.
This describes how to modify the text or create your own email that students will receive after making a payment.
All the steps required to add an assistant and assign him a group of students.
This describes the actions needed to remove an assistant from one of your courses while keeping them as an assistant on other courses.
This describes the actions needed to remove a curator (or another team member) from your project.
In this section, we will explain how to create a widget: a banner (CTA) and a form for collecting contacts.
We will explain all the details of adding the widget code to your site.
Learn the details of tracking visit sources for contacts.
This describes how to create a mini landing page and how you can use them for quick student registration, accepting applications, and sales.
Не знаєте, з чого почати створення власного онлайн-навчання? Ми підготували для вас план запуску онлайн-курсу за 10 кроків. З цими порадами ви зможете якісно підготуватись та створити власний інфопродукт.
Що робити, щоб студент був замотивований пройти ваш курс до кінця? Відповідь проста – додати гейміфікацію.
Якщо лише думки про створення вашого інфопродукту вводять вас в глухий кут, бо ви не знаєте з чого почати – ця стаття саме для вас.
Ми всі бачили, як виглядають звичайні курси. Але що таке курс з wow-ефектом? Давайте розбиратись.
Let's talk about all the subtleties and possibilities of Kwiga for transferring the existing database of contacts.
How to quickly make changes to a contact group, add new information, tags, give access to a product.
How to add new fields, enter the necessary information on the contact card.
Description of the features of the basic version of Kwiga CRM.
Campaigns and promotions
Learn how to create an effective email marketing campaign that engages your audience, boosts conversions, and drives results.
We will explain the features of creating a segment or selecting a specific group within the audience and creating a mailing for that group.
We will show you where system (service) emails are located and how to edit them.
Learn how to easily import emails from a file into your campaign to efficiently manage and target your audience for better results.
Вебинары и автовебинары
A step-by-step guide on how to create and add a button or banner to a webinar.
How to create a broadcast on Youtube Live, validate your Google account, limit video access, and hold a webinar on Kwiga.
We will explain how to use the StreamYard service to host a webinar through YouTube Live, adding multiple hosts, presentations, video files, and other media.
A complete description of the webinar room settings.
Services, integrations, API, Settings
How to manage and restrict student access to your materials (tracking IP addresses, number of simultaneous logins, number of devices used to access the account).
This explains how to remove social media login options: login via Facebook, login via Google.
Що таке посилання з автологіном, які переваги вони дають і де це налаштовується
How to set your own image for your dashboard or project to display in messengers.
We will show you how to set up automatic data export from Kwiga to Google Sheets.
How to connect the Facebook Pixel to Kwiga, which events will automatically trigger and when – all questions related to tracking conversions from Facebook advertising campaigns.
We will explain where and how you can set up data transfer via webhook on the Kwiga platform.
All you need to know about integrating your Zoom account with Kwiga, scheduling and hosting meetings.
How to fix video loading errors on older versions of Windows or browsers that haven't been updated.
Learn how to easily unblock your camera or microphone for seamless communication and video conferencing.
General information about Kwiga
We will explain the basic principles of building automation and which processes can be automated on Kwiga. For examples of automating popular processes, see other articles.
This article summarizes the main features and capabilities of Kwiga LMS for all infobusiness products.
How to become a partner on Kwiga and get rewarded for referring new clients.
The available ways to promote a course on Kwiga are described: listing in the Kwiga.Unlock catalog, participation in the affiliate program, and organizing a referral program on Kwiga.