Tips on an Effective Online Customer Training

Tips on an Effective Online Customer Training!

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by Liubomyr Sirskyi
Copywriter at Kwiga

If you're curious about customer training and looking to dive deeper, you've landed in the right place! This guide is designed to shed light on how this type of eLearning program can benefit your company.

We've packed it with essential information and practical resources to help you create a customer education program tailored to your business. Let's explore together!

Benefits of Customer Training

Empowering your customers through eLearning, live tutorials, or a rich array of online resources offers many advantages. Not only does it enable customers to utilize your product or service to its fullest potential, but it also delivers compelling benefits like:

  • Reduced costs
  • Enhanced satisfaction
  • Opportunities for growth
  • Efficient onboarding

Offering online product training for customers is one of the most economical methods of supporting your customers. Various engaging options are available:

  • Bite-sized eLearning modules. Quick, focused training sessions on specific features of your product.
  • Online resource library. Includes articles, how-to videos, and recorded webinars tackling common challenges and practical solutions.
  • Targeted mobile learning. Specialized courses are accessible right when and where customers face complex tasks related to your product or service.

Online customer training

These strategies enhance user experience and directly contribute to your company’s profitability. This clear ROI makes pitching the concept to your management team smoother and more persuasive than you might expect.

Customer Education Best Practices

Start proactively by identifying the training your customers need to enhance their business outcomes. Don't wait for them to come to you—take the lead in delivering crucial course material! Here are some best practices for customer education.

Early Training

Make sure your customers hit the ground running! Proactively enroll them in introductory training as soon as they make a purchase. Early customer training ensures a seamless implementation and minimizes future issues. Moreover, set up a follow-up system to check in with your customers at key milestones, keeping the relationship solid and responsive.

Embrace Microlearning

Make your customer training programs as flexible and accessible as your employee training programs. Customers appreciate the freedom to learn on their terms—whether revisiting the content multiple times or diving in whenever they have a spare moment. Here's how to make it happen:

  • Keep it concise. Focus on one key topic per module. Get straight to the point—your customers already chose your product, so there's no need to sell it to them again!
  • Support self-paced learning. Ensure your customers can easily access resources whenever questions arise. Let them set the pace, enhancing their learning experience and satisfaction.

Be More Direct to Students

Keep your client training materials clear and free from technical jargon; use them only when necessary. Design an intuitive and enjoyable learning experience that makes your customers feel valued and human. Enhance engagement by incorporating a mix of videos, images, text, and interactive elements like question-and-answer sessions. To further personalize the experience, consider adding real-life examples and case studies that relate directly to the learners' needs and environments.

Use the Power of Video

Boost learner engagement with dynamic video clips instead of relying solely on text-based customer training. Creating short videos is straightforward—just use your smartphone camera and some essential editing software.

Here are a few engaging ideas:

Demos: a step-by-step guide in the text can be overwhelming. Switch to short demo videos to simplify learning about new software or features. Use these videos not just for software but also to showcase business or technical processes and best practices. Feature a company employee demonstrating the product or process for added engagement and fun.

Video Tours: take your learners on a video tour of your office, facilities, or campus. This approach is excellent for acquiring new employees with the premises or boosting confidence among onboarders.

Animated Videos: unleash creativity with animated videos. These provide limitless possibilities to explore concepts in engaging, interactive ways, enhancing overall learner involvement.

Create Personalized Learning Pathways

eLearning is flexible and caters to various customer preferences and skill levels. Here’s how you can make the most of it for customer training programs:

  • Tailor training options to suit individual needs. Why settle for a one-size-fits-all solution when you can offer personalized experiences? Whether your customers crave the autonomy of self-paced courses or the clarity of a structured program, there's something for everyone.
  • Avoid the pitfalls of generic content. Remember, a "form letter" approach can disengage or even offend. Each customer is unique, and your customer training should reflect that.
  • Focus on building strong customer relationships. Recognize and respect the differences among your customers by providing targeted, thoughtful training options. This not only enhances learning outcomes but also fosters loyalty and satisfaction.

Ensure Mobile Approach

Customers love the flexibility of learning on the go, which highlights the importance of making your training accessible on their mobile devices. Mobile learning has become a crucial component of any effective customer training strategy.

Mobile learning

Understanding WHEN your learners typically reach for their phones can greatly enhance the learning experience. Experts Dr. Conrad Gottfredson and Bob Mosher have pinpointed the Five Distinct Moments of Need that motivate learners:

  • New: When encountering a topic for the first time.
  • More: When diving deeper into a subject.
  • Apply: When they need to use or recall information.
  • Solve: When facing a problem or correcting a mistake.
  • Change: When adapting to new circumstances.

Recognizing these moments can significantly shape how you design and deliver mobile learning content, making it more timely and relevant for your users.

How to Train Your Customers?

While the benefits of online client training are evident, designing and implementing an effective training program requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you create a successful online customer training strategy:

Build a SMART Customer Training Strategy

Before scheduling a software demo or assembling a team of instructional designers, it's crucial to pinpoint exactly what you want your customers to learn from your training.

Start by resisting the urge to set overly broad objectives, like "we need customers to use our product more efficiently." Instead, embrace S.M.A.R.T. goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

For instance, a well-crafted S.M.A.R.T. goal could be: "Enable 80% of our new users to create and send an automated email using our platform within 45 days of onboarding."

Adopting S.M.A.R.T. goals offers several benefits:

  • They help you generate precise ideas about what to demonstrate to customers and what they need to learn or do to enhance their experience.
  • They allow you to measure the effectiveness of your training and pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • They aid in designing clear learning pathways that optimize customer training efficiency.
  • They assist in prioritizing and managing training courses effectively.

This structured approach ensures your training is targeted, efficient, and aligned with your customers' needs.

Choose the Right Customer Training Solutions

The technology you choose is crucial for building an effective customer education program. It can mean the difference between success and failure.

As you sift through many customer training solutions, it's crucial to consider how well your chosen customer learning platform can integrate with other systems your company uses, such as HubSpot, Salesforce, and GoToMeeting.

When selecting your technology stack, focus on several key questions to ensure you choose the best options:

  • Is the software user-friendly?
  • Does it offer significant flexibility and control?
  • Is it easily accessible on mobile devices?
  • Can the software be customized to align with your brand identity?
  • Does it include advanced analytics and reporting features?
  • Is there built-in gamification, like points and badges, to engage users?

Considering these factors will help you build a robust and effective technology foundation for your customer education program.

Develop a Comprehensive Curriculum

Creating an engaging and effective customer training program is pivotal to your success. Here's how to ensure your training hits the mark and truly benefits your customers:

Learning curriculum

  • Product Introduction Videos. Kick-off with a dynamic video host who can break down what your product does and how it enhances business efficiency. Include vivid graphics and real-world examples to make the message clear and compelling.
  • eLearning Modules. Develop a beginner’s guide to using your product. This should be straightforward and user-friendly, helping new users feel confident and ready.
  • Micro-Learning Lessons. Offer bite-sized lessons that focus on specific features or functions of the product. Clearly label each lesson to make them easily navigable.
  • Live Chat Support. Set up a chat service for users to ask questions in real-time, providing immediate support and enhancing their learning experience.
  • Regular Virtual Sessions. After introducing the product, hold frequent virtual meetings for administrators and users. Use these sessions to address feedback, resolve issues, and answer questions. It's a great way to keep everyone informed and engaged.
  • Collaborative Blog Articles. Encourage shared authorship of blog posts among departments like IT, customer service, sales, marketing, and executive teams. Each department can offer unique insights on the product, enriching the content and providing a well-rounded perspective.
  • Social Learning Opportunities. Create a community environment where customers can interact with your team and each other. Encourage the sharing of questions, discoveries, and best practices. This not only builds knowledge but also fosters a sense of community among users.

By integrating these elements into your customer training program, you can make it not only relevant and engaging but also incredibly beneficial for your customers and your company alike.

Encourage Hands-On Practice

While theoretical knowledge is essential, providing opportunities for hands-on practice is crucial for effective learning. To achieve this, you should:

Incorporate Exercises: Integrate practical exercises into your training program to allow learners to apply concepts in a controlled environment.

Include Quizzes: Use quizzes to test understanding and reinforce key points, ensuring that knowledge is retained.

Use Real-World Scenarios: Present real-world scenarios that relate to the customer training material, helping learners understand how to apply their knowledge in practical situations.

Reinforce Concepts: Continuously reinforce learned concepts through repetition and varied practice to solidify understanding.

Ensure Practical Application: Design your training program so that learners can confidently apply their newfound knowledge in real-life situations, enhancing their overall competence and confidence.

Foster Community and Collaboration

Customer training experiences are significantly improved when individuals actively engage with one another. To facilitate this, consider setting up online platforms such as forums, discussion boards, or dedicated social media groups where customers can connect. These digital spaces enable users to discuss, share insights, and solve problems together, enhancing their understanding and application of your products or services.

Moreover, fostering such interactive environments helps build a supportive community, making your customers feel more connected and invested in your brand. This sense of belonging can increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, turning users into advocates for your products or services.

Offer Personalized Support

While online customer training offers considerable convenience and accessibility, it is essential to recognize that some customers may encounter challenges and require further support. To accommodate these needs effectively, it is advisable to establish multiple channels through which customers can request assistance. These channels should include options such as:

  • Live Chat: For real-time assistance.
  • Email Support: For detailed, non-urgent queries.
  • Phone Support: For customers preferring verbal communication.

Personalized support

Moreover, it would be beneficial to assign dedicated training specialists specifically tasked with handling customer inquiries. These specialists should be well-trained and knowledgeable, capable of promptly and efficiently addressing questions to ensure every customer enjoys a seamless and productive learning experience. By implementing these measures, you can enhance customer satisfaction and improve the overall effectiveness of product training for customers.

Continuously Improve and Update

Customer training is a dynamic and continuous endeavor crucial for helping users fully leverage the benefits of your products and services as they evolve. To ensure that your training remains relevant and effective, reviewing and updating your training materials regularly is essential. This includes integrating information about new features, recent updates, or any changes that could impact how customers use your product.

Engage actively with your customer base to solicit feedback about their training experience. This can be done through surveys, interactive feedback sessions, or direct communication channels. By gathering this valuable input, you can gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your current training approach.

Implementing metrics and analytics is also crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your online client training program. Track completion rates, customer feedback, and the impact on support inquiries or product adoption. Use these insights to identify areas for improvement and refine your training approach.

Moreover, use your feedback to make informed adjustments to your training programs. This could involve refining training methodologies, updating resource materials, or even rethinking the customer training solutions used to ensure they meet the needs and preferences of your customers.

Real-world Examples of Successful Online Customer Training

Online customer training programs have become a vital tool for businesses to educate their customers, leading to increased satisfaction, loyalty, and product utilization. Here are some real-world examples of successful online customer training initiatives.

HubSpot Academy

HubSpot offers extensive customer training through the HubSpot Academy. This platform includes courses on inbound marketing, sales, and customer service practices. The courses are comprehensive and include well-regarded industry certifications.

Cisco Networking Academy

This initiative by Cisco provides specialized online courses in networking, cybersecurity, and related fields. It's aimed not just at customers but also at students and professionals looking to enhance their skills. The program has had a significant impact on learners from all over the world.

Microsoft Learn

Microsoft has developed an extensive client training platform that helps users effectively understand and use Microsoft products. It includes learning paths and modules tailored to specific roles and needs, covering various software and services like Azure, Dynamics 365, and Office 365.

Adobe Digital Learning Services

Adobe's platform offers tutorials and courses on using its software products for beginners and advanced users. This is particularly useful for customers looking to master graphic design, video editing, and digital marketing tools.

Atlassian University

Atlassian provides a customer training portal with various courses and quizzes to help users get the most out of their tools, such as Jira and Confluence. The training also helps customers improve their team collaboration and project management skills.


To truly enhance your customer support, engaging with your customers throughout the entire client training lifecycle is crucial. Regularly ask for feedback to refine your content and its delivery. This step is vital in ensuring your efforts align with customer needs.

You also need to recognize that each customer is unique. Categorize them based on their duration as a customer, customer type, and the number of customer training modules they've completed. This will allow you to tailor your content more effectively.

Finally, consistently communicate with your customers to gauge their satisfaction and experience with your training programs. Don't hesitate to reach out if there's been a lapse in communication—sometimes, a simple reminder of the training benefits or assistance with technical issues can reignite their interest and engagement.

End your customer training strategy with a proactive approach. Ensure every customer feels valued and understood, thereby improving their experience.