Email marketing requires massive effort and time to create and launch mailing lists. However, you can use a fundamentally different approach: implement an email workflow. It allows you not to worry…
The pandemic has impacted education, and many projects have had to go online to stay afloat. Therefore, every online school owner tries to get the most out of the distance format. To launch an…
Have you ever had the feeling that you are explaining something, but you are not understood? These things happen for a straightforward reason: the wrong approach. The same is true for online…
Online learning is becoming more and more popular as millions of people seek to learn new skills through the Internet. As a result, more and more e-courses appear on the market. How to stand out if…
Online learning platforms have been around for decades, but their prosperity has only just begun. The creators of the specific programs are doing their best to ensure that their technologies spread…
Microlearning has already become a significant trend in e-learning, and many online schools and companies are already using a short content format that has maximum impact. Let's find out what…
The main feature of mobile learning is convenience and acquiring new knowledge anywhere with an Internet connection. According to the author of The Mobile Learning Edge: Tools and Technologies for…
When designing an e-course, it is crucial to understand that students will learn and remember the information to use in the future. The training course creator should be aware of different training…
A business simulation is considered an online or offline business game based on a given topic. However, in this article, we will consider the first option since it simulates the actual internal…