
Какие существуют типы систем управления обучением?
Reading time: 11 minutes
Added: 6 days ago
What Are The Types of LMS?
The educational sphere continues to actively upgrade with technology. As a result, newly discovered ways of obtaining knowledge are exceptionally convenient for students and teachers. One of them is…
Now more and more people are enrolling in online courses and even getting a full-fledged university education via the Internet. This approach is based on virtual communication when the presence of a…
There are two types of courses on the market - distance learning and online courses. Why did they get such names, and what is the difference between both training formats? Let's get to the bottom of…
Technology has long gone beyond developing gadgets for work and entertainment. As of now, they allow you to take learning methods outside the school or university bench. Online courses, webinars,…
Every startup owner dreams of one thing: to develop their brainchild into a major company and take a significant market share. However, sometimes this is not the case because entrepreneurs may not…
Some business creators and marketers dismiss web page development using a website builder. Therefore, even those companies that start out order custom website development but do not get the expected…
Our world is slowly moving toward total digitalization. So it is not surprising that some courses are taught with artificial intelligence. It can explain the material, test, and interact with…
The field of online education is developing at a rapid pace. According to Forbes, the industry will grow to $325 billion! And as online learning software becomes more widespread, many more software…
If you expect to test the e-course users' skills, you should create and launch an online test. But already at the stage of its development, many questions arise: how many questions to add to the…