People learn all their lives, interact with the outside world, and expand their consciousness from birth. Therefore, our thoughts and learned lessons allow us to evaluate the picture of the…
A website is necessary for any company, from bloggers and freelancers to large global brands. Your business can reach a broad audience, easily track user activity, and open up new marketing…
Over the past decade, the world has become familiar with many social networks. Some have become highly popular (for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok), while others have not gathered…
The creation of electronic courses involves many stages: analyzing the target audience, creating a scenario, gathering a team of specialists, testing the functionality, trial launch, and much more.…
Stability and high results are essential for the development of your educational business. It is vital to find the drawbacks of your project in time and correct the sales strategy to succeed. It will…
A customer contact database is a section or a separate file in a CRM system that keeps all possible data about potential and existing customers (order history, activity, preferences, etc.). Then you…
Learning must remain as effective and exciting as possible to benefit people. Therefore, teachers are constantly looking for new ways to make students better. It helps develop critical thinking…
When thinking about the structure of your educational project, you probably considered the option of adding ready-made courses. This type of content is available out-of-the-box and significantly…
Chatbots have become a familiar and effective solution for all types of businesses. Yet, at the same time, people stopped paying attention to the conversation's formal, "dry" tone. The reason is…