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How to add an assistant


All the steps required to add an assistant and assign him a group of students.

In this article:

If the course involves working with assistants, such as checking homework or responding to comments, you can add a user to your project and configure what they will have access to and what they won’t. Kwiga allows you to add unlimited team members, granting each specific right that provides more or fewer permissions, from full access to working as an assistant or administrator on a single course. This article will cover adding an assistant and configuring their settings for different scenarios.

Adding an Assistant

Inviting an Assistant to the Project

The first step is to invite the assistant to the project.

If you have previously invited the user to the project and now want to assign them as an assistant for a course, you can skip directly to the next step!

To invite a new user to your project, go to Settings > Access Management > Add User, and provide their name, phone number, and email address. You will need to select the Assistant access group (default). Alternatively, you can use another group, such as Full Access, or create your own group with customized permissions (details can be found in the related article). The group you choose depends on the level of access you want to grant. If you're unsure, use the default Assistant group—this will add the assistant to all courses and marathons.

Once the user is invited to your project, they will receive an email notification with a link or button to join. You don’t need to wait for the invitee to confirm their participation; you can proceed to the next step immediately.

Adding an Assistant to a Course

To add an assistant to a course, open the course page and go to the Access/Management tab. In this section, you will see all the assistants assigned to this course. If the desired assistant is not listed, use the Add User button and select the appropriate user from the window that appears.

Assigning Students to an Assistant

Groups are used to distribute students among assistants. If an assistant is assigned to a group, they will only see comments, test responses, and assignments from their own students. Similarly, students in a group assigned to an assistant will not see other assistants.

The settings allow a group to be assigned to multiple assistants. In this case, students can send private responses to several assistants.

To assign students to an assistant, click on the pencil icon next to the list of groups (or next to "Participants without an assistant"). In the window that appears, select Personalize, after which you will see the existing groups for this course. You can also create a new group from this window.

Click +Group to create a new group. In the new window, you can add a name for the group and select students from the list on the right side of the screen. The list on the right will display all students enrolled in this product but not all the contacts in your database. If you don’t see a student in this list, it means they don’t have access to this course or marathon.

Use the arrow next to a contact’s name to move them to the field on the left—this is the list of students included in the group. You can use the filter to display students with specific tags, user fields already assigned to an assistant, or those who purchased a specific offer. You can use the Move All button to move all the found students (using the filter or without).



When you’ve finished forming the group, click the Save button at the top. You will be redirected to the previous step, where you can select the group. Choose the newly created group and click Save—the assistant is now assigned to the selected students!

Adding Multiple Assistants for Different Pricing Plans

If you want to assign an assistant to a specific pricing plan, you can do this in the offer settings. Ensure you have added the assistant to the course (see the Adding an Assistant section above). After that, open the desired offer and, in the Product Settings, click +Add in the Assistant section.

You can add one assistant or multiple assistants and set up the distribution between them. All new students will be automatically added to the groups of the specified assistants (or assistants). If there have already been sales on the course, you need to assign those students to assistants separately, as the above settings will not apply to previously added students.

To distribute added students on a course, open the desired course and go to the Management tab. Scroll down to the Assistants section. Next to the first assistant to whom a specific pricing plan should be assigned, click the pencil icon and select Personalize. If you have already assigned an assistant in the offer settings in the previous step, at least one group will already be assigned to the assistant. Do not deselect this group!

Create a new group by clicking +Group, adding a name, and using the Filter to select only participants who purchased a specific offer. Move all selected participants to the field on the left side of the screen and save. Assign the new group to the assistant. Repeat the steps described above if other assistants need to be assigned different pricing plans.

Adding Multiple Assistants and Assigning Different Groups of Students to Them

If the assistants are not yet users in the system, add them by following the instructions in the "Adding an Assistant" section. After that, open the course to which you need to add assistants and go to the Management tab. Scroll down to the Assistants section, where you should see all the assistants assigned to the course. If they are not listed, click Add Assistant and select the required users.

Next to the first assistant who needs to be assigned to a specific group of students, click the pencil icon and select Personalize.

Creating and Assigning a New Group

  1. Create a new group by clicking +Group, add a name, and use the Filter to select the desired group of students. In most cases, using a tag for this purpose is convenient.
  2. Move all selected students to the field on the left side of the screen and save the changes.
  3. Assign the newly created group to the assistant.

Adding Tags (Optional)

If you didn’t add a tag when initially adding students, you can do it at any stage! You can re-import the student list into the system by adding an additional column with a tag to the file. In this column, you can specify the assistant's name or the group name, and then run the import again. In this case, students will not receive unnecessary notifications; only the specified tag will be added.

Assigning Other Assistants

If there are other assistants who need to be assigned to different groups, repeat the steps described above.

Changing an Assistant on a Course

Since assistants are assigned to specific groups of students on a course, changing an assistant is a straightforward process. First, add the new assistant to the system and the course (refer to the steps described above). Then, assign the same groups that were previously assigned to the original assistant to the new one. Once this is done, you can unassign the groups from the old assistant.

The new assistant will have access to all personal responses from students addressed to the previous assistant and can seamlessly continue the work. For students, the name of their assistant will be automatically updated.

Additional Settings for Assistants

All users who have access to view the course can see student responses. However, they cannot manage assignments, such as accepting, returning for revision, or allowing resubmissions—these permissions are granted only to users with Assistant access rights.

Settings for Lead Assistant or Administrator

If someone needs to oversee the actions of other assistants and view responses, simply add them to the course in the Management section. If this person also needs to manage assignments, substitute assistants, or approve submissions, they should also be listed as an assistant.

Assign all students (all groups or a specially created group called "All Students") to this person. However, to ensure this user is not visible to students as their assistant, enable the "Available to All" setting and select "Hide", then save.


Setting an Assistant for Checking a Specific Assignment

If your course has assistants, but you need to assign a different assistant to check a specific assignment or final task, this can be easily done by linking a particular user to that assignment.

To do this:

  1. Open the desired assignment in the Quiz Builder.
  2. Select the required assistant from the list provided.
  3. Save your changes.

The selected assistant will now be responsible for managing and reviewing only this specific task.

Additional Steps to Hide an Assignment from Other Assistants

If you need to hide a specific practice or assignment from other assistants:

  1. For each assistant from whom the assignment should be hidden, navigate to their Access Settings.
  2. Locate the Access to Practices section.
  3. Click on the “Full” button next to this section.
  4. Mark the practices or assignments you wish to hide.

This will restrict access to the selected practices for the specified assistants, ensuring only the assigned assistant can view and manage them.