KWIGA help center LMS (education) Work with quizzes, homework Quiz Setup

Quiz Setup


Learn how to set up quizzes on the Kwiga platform for knowledge assessment, surveys, or testing.

In this article:

A quiz on the Kwiga platform can contain any number of questions and offers various question types that can be combined within a single quiz. For example, a test can include multiple-choice questions, sorting tasks, Likert scale, and open-ended questions. This approach allows for creating simple surveys and multi-level tests for any audience. 

You can read more about each question type in a separate article.

This article will help you understand the details of quiz settings on the Kwiga platform. We will review all available settings sections: general parameters, access, educational options, grading, and results.
Important! If a particular option appears in gray, it is currently in development and unavailable to users.

1. General Settings

  • Quiz Title: The title will be displayed at the beginning of the quiz for participants. It can be hidden if not needed.

  • Question Display Format:

    • All on One Page: All questions are visible at once. For example, if the quiz has 10 questions, the participant can view all of them immediately. If the option to clear the form is enabled, the participant can reset their answers and start over without it counting as another attempt.

    • One Question at a Time: Only one question is displayed per page. The ability to go back to previous questions can be configured separately.

  • Question Numbering:

    • Enabled: Numbers appear next to each question.

    • Disabled: No numbering.

  • Mini-Navigation: The participant sees a numbered list of questions while taking the quiz. This allows them to quickly navigate to any question, even if they skipped it..

2. Starting the Quiz

  • Quiz Access:

    • Closed: The quiz is not available to new participants.

    • Authorized Users Only: Requires login before starting.

    • No Authorization Required: Access via a public link.

    • Hashed Link: A unique link for each participant.

  • Opening Access: By default, access to the quiz is granted immediately after it is opened.
    Closing Access: By default, access to the quiz remains open indefinitely.

    • Timer: Available only for authorized users. Participants receive a notification about the time limit.

    • No Time Limit: The quiz has no time restrictions.

    • Stopwatch: Displays elapsed time while taking the quiz.

    • Time Interval (Time Restriction): Sets a time limit in the format [hours]-[minutes]-[seconds]. Once the time expires, the quiz automatically ends, and the system records the results as final.

3. Education

  • Show Result When Answering:

    • Do Not Show: Simply moves to the next question.

    • Correct/Incorrect: Displays whether the answer is right or wrong.

    • Full Information: Shows correct and incorrect answers.

    • Composite Result: Currently in development and not available.

  • Shuffle Questions: This feature randomizes the order of questions each time the quiz is taken. A question that appeared first in one attempt might be last in another. This prevents participants from memorizing the question order and makes the test more engaging.

  • Shuffle Answers: The answers within each question are shuffled every time the quiz is taken, preventing participants from guessing the correct answer based on position.

  • Number of Attempts: The quiz can only be taken once by default. However, you can configure the number of allowed attempts. If multiple attempts are enabled, the participant can retake the quiz. Only you or a team member can manually grant an additional attempt if all attempts are used.
    There is also an option to allow retaking the quiz only if the participant fails (e.g., does not meet the minimum passing score).

  • Returning to Previous Questions:

    • Prohibited: Participants cannot return to previous questions.

    • Allowed, but Answers Cannot Be Changed: Participants can view previous questions but cannot modify their answers.

    • Allowed with Answer Changes: Participants can go back and modify their answers. This does not count as another attempt.

  • Additional Settings: Currently in development; only basic settings are available.

  • Finish Quiz Early: A "Finish Quiz" button appears at the bottom of each question, allowing participants to submit their answers before reaching the last question. If no questions are required, the participant will immediately see the results page upon clicking. If required questions exist, the system will direct them to the next unanswered mandatory question to ensure proper completion.

4. Assessment

  • Enabling Grading: You can choose whether to assign points for answers. Points can be transferred at three levels:

    • Per Correct Answer: Each correct answer is individually graded—for example, 1 point per correct answer.

    • Per Completed Question: The total points for a question are distributed based on responses. For instance, if a question has multiple correct answers and the requirement is to select at least two, the participant will receive the full score for that question if they choose at least two correct answers.

    • Overall Quiz Score: The final score is based on the total percentage of correct answers. For example, if a participant scores 70% correct answers, they automatically receive a fixed score for the entire quiz.

  • Quiz Approval:

    • Automatic: Results are approved once the required score is achieved.

    • By a Curator: Results are manually reviewed, with an option for feedback. 

In the offer settings, you can also specify who reviews the quiz – automatically or by a curator. This setting takes precedence and allows different verification methods for specific pricing plans.

Read here how to create tasks with different verification methods for different pricing plans.

5. Gamification (In Development)

6. Quiz Results

  • Displaying Results (Questions & Answers) After Completing the Quiz:

    • Answer Only: Shows a list of questions and the participant’s selected answers, without indicating whether they are correct.

    • Passed/Not Passed Questions: The participant only sees whether each question was counted as correct or not but does not see how they answered or where they made mistakes.

    • Correct/Incorrect Only: The participant sees whether their answers were correct or incorrect. However, if the answer is incorrect, the correct answer is not shown.

    • Full Information: The participant sees whether their answers were correct or incorrect, and in case of an incorrect answer, the correct option is displayed.

  • Attempt History: Displays previous results for analysis.

  • Comments: Allows or restricts participants from replying to curator comments.

The quiz settings on the Kwiga platform offer maximum flexibility and convenience. You can create both simple surveys and complex educational tests. With a wide range of customization options, every quiz can be easily tailored to your specific needs.

Quiz Start Page

You can add introductory information and a button before starting the quiz. The quiz start page allows you to customize the display of an introductory block and a button before beginning the test or completing a task.

You can include a message that appears before the quiz starts. This can be an instruction, a welcome message, or a motivational note to guide participants.

And customize the start button, choosing:

  • Button Background Color

  • Hover Color

  • Text Color

  • Button Text (e.g., "Start the Test")

You can adjust both external and internal padding using an intuitive layout system.

Choose to align the button left, center, or right.

This section helps make the quiz's first screen more informative and user-friendly, ensuring a smooth start for participants.