How to create a course with a basic structure: only lessons, without division into sections or modules.
Learn more about how to create an online marathon, set up its stages and add tasks.
Як додати обкладинку на курс?
L'article traite de diverses options d'affichage du programme de cours. Leurs avantages sont discutés, tels que la clarté, la facilité de navigation et l'adaptabilité aux besoins des utilisateurs. Des recommandations sont fournies pour choisir le format optimal pour différents types de cours.
How to add a public face to a course other than the owner of the account on Kwiga. The functionality is useful both for online schools to personalize courses and for smaller projects that bring together multiple experts.
Cet article décrit le processus d'ajout d'une équipe à un cours pour collaborer sur des supports. Couvre les étapes de création et de configuration des rôles de participant, ainsi que les fonctionnalités disponibles pour les administrateurs et les enseignants. Des recommandations pratiques pour un travail d'équipe efficace dans les projets éducatifs sont fournies.
Cet article explique comment afficher un cours du point de vue d'un étudiant, ainsi que consulter les paramètres d'un flux, d'un groupe ou d'un participant individuel spécifique.
Розкажемо про приклади використання блоку над уроками, та можливі налаштування.
Learn how to structure the gradual release of course materials, set deadlines to access lessons, and automate the learning process for participants.
How to upload videos to the lesson, where you can download videos from, what size and formats are supported.
L'article décrit les principaux types d'activités qui peuvent être ajoutées à une leçon pour augmenter son efficacité. Ceux-ci incluent des tâches interactives, des vidéos, des tests, des discussions, des sondages et des exercices pratiques. Des recommandations sont données pour le choix des activités en fonction du type de cours et des objectifs pédagogiques.
How to add time codes to the video
How to add button to the lesson
Supplement lessons with additional materials by inserting presentations, tables, and quizzes right into the lesson!
Як додати дроби та інші математичні формули у текстовому редакторі
How to add text with spoiler to the lesson
Learn more about how to attach an assignment, as well as what a lesson with an assignment looks like for a student.
What to do if your course implies mandatory verification of tasks by the assistant. Learn more about how to attach an assignment as a simple question and how it will appear in the lesson.
How to make the settings of practical tasks in the lessons differ depending on the offers, with and without a assistant's check.
Learn more about how to use Kwiga tests to set up automatic knowledge testing of your students.
How to create and conduct a survey among students on the course
What is a public lesson, how to add a public lesson to the course, and what the lesson can be used for.
Як змінити статус уроку на чернетку та приховати його від учнів
How to set up the course so that access to the next lesson is only opened after the student has done his homework or passed the test.
This article explains how to generate and interpret reports on student progress within a course.
The article describes how to generate and use a report on completing practical assignments on the course. Key data such as assignment status, grades, student progress and student engagement are reviewed. This information helps teachers analyze student progress and adjust the learning process to achieve better results.
This article describes how to generate and analyze a course sales report. Key metrics such as number of courses sold, payment methods used, revenue and expected revenue are reviewed. This data will help evaluate sales effectiveness and plan further promotion strategy.
What to do to remove the course from the list of products.
How to protect your materials, videos, created presentations
How to create a duplicate of your course on Kwiga, copying materials, practice assignments, and settings for each lesson.