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Copyright protection of your content on Kwiga


How to protect your materials, videos, created presentations

In this article:

For every expert and author of content, sooner or later it becomes relevant the issue of protecting your materials, videos, created presentations. We will tell in article what protection methods are used, how effective they are, and how exactly Kwiga protects and helps prevent piracy.

There are several ways to get the desired video:

  • Download it directly from the link
  • Record the screen and, using video editing programs, make almost original video.

Download video from link

The easiest level is protection from getting a direct link and downloading the entire file. For example, unlisted videos hosted on Youtube and available just by the link, can be easily downloaded. There is a huge amount various free services, such as SS Youtube*, which allow you to paste the video link and download the file. Free video hosting Vimeo also does not protect against direct downloads, even if you have selected the “do not allow downloads” option. It's easy to get by with similar services such as Vimeo Downloader*. Videos uploaded to the Kwiga repository, it is impossible to download from a direct link, as well as get it.

The second level of protection is to allow only certain domains download/play video. This feature is supported by paid accounts. vimeo. And it is also quite easy to bypass such protection, this is solved by substituting referrer in the browser, for which the Referer extension can be used Control* for Chrome browser and Vimeo Downloader*. This protection method quite common on other video hosting sites, but not reliable. At Kwiga, we also use this method of protection as one of the methods of counteraction piracy.

A higher level of protection allows you to split the video file into many smaller pieces, in addition to closing videos for certain domains only. Such videos can also be downloaded using the applications and extensions indicated above and more advanced players for downloading, for example, video downloader - CocoCut*. Protection against such extensions can be additional encryption data, but at the moment they are not applied, because anyway, none none of these methods solves the problem of screen recording.

On Kwiga, we use all levels, which allows us to defend against most unscrupulous participants, since simple methods using 1-2 applications will not allow you to download your content.

* The indicated names of applications and extensions are in the first results Search for Google by key queries are given in the article to illustrate and Evidence of downloading.We urge everyone to be conscious of protecting intellectual rights and not using these funds for illegal Copying and transmitting materials.

Recording of the screen

Prohibit the inclusion of various extensions or the programs that record the screen there is only an opportunity in applications on the phone or in the application for Windows/Apple. In this case, the students will need to download the application and to watch a video lesson, which many will not go to, since use An ordinary browser is more familiar and more convenient. There is no prohibition of shooting the screen in the browser opportunities, therefore, completely protect your materials from copying It will turn out. In the development of the Kwiga application for Android/iOS, we use protection from the record that will protect your materials from unfair use.

Indirect protection

It is worth mentioning that indirect control methods are used, such as:

  • Tracking IP addresses from which the student's account is logged in and when entering from several addresses in different cities / countries, for short time intervals, you can set up account blocking. On Kwiga we we are working on this solution, which will allow the experts themselves control the situation and monitor who enters the student accounts.
  • Adding a watermark to the video. It is considered to be the most reliable a way to identify an intruder. There are also two methods here. solution to the problem: adding a watermark already when watching a video or “sewing” watermark on the video itself. Water Additions sign with an additional script on the lesson page (when showing a video), you can easy to avoid, or else get a direct link to the video and download the video without watermark. Another way is to simply “hide” water sign on the page and record the screen without it.
  • One of the real ways to detect an attacker would be to add watermark in the video itself, but in this case, the number of versions of the video should correspond to the number of students, which is already at 50 participants quite problematic and very costly in terms of the amount of data required for storage. That is, this is a real way for courses with a small amount participants, but, when scaled, the implementation and cost of creating a huge number of copies of a single video does not apply. Also sewn in water a sign that is visible on several frames is easy to “remove” With video, or cut frames, completely deleting the image and saving audio track.

Protection of presentations, PDF files

A well-known method of protection is to add a watermark to the pages. Editing a file in a PDF editor allows you to select and remove any watermark sign, the work only requires patience, since it will have to be removed at each file page\presentation slide. Protecting with metadata in a file is even easier, and the use of passwords to protect the file from editing Does not help. We do not describe a workaround as this is not the goal. articles. Experts can consult with us personally in Telegram.

Conclusions \ How to defend yourself

Today, it is 100% guaranteed to protect your content from copying is not possible. Even the most sophisticated security systems withstand very simple and efficient screen recording.

There is a category of people who are looking for in various forums and sites free courses, and generally not interested in buying content. Such people don't buy courses even if they don't find them for free, they just move on to other content, so be wary of a significant decrease sales volume is not worth it. The presence of your course on such resources means only that those who would never buy a real course will have access to it.

We recommend focusing on the quality of the service and the value of the passage courses and marathons accompanied by an expert or assistant, whom impossible to replace and record, issuing high-quality feedback and communicating with audience outside of recorded material.