KWIGA help center LMS (education) Students and participants: adding and interacting How your course is seen by your audience

How your course is seen by your audience


Check how your students see the course or any other product

You don't need to create a separate account to see how your product is displayed in the student's account. When you registered as an expert, Kwiga automatically created a student account for you. You can switch between cabinet expert and student in a couple of clicks:

In the student's office, you will be able to see courses, webinars and other products just as your students see them. Because the access to products is determined by the offer (settings such as the period of access to content, which module or lesson available, etc.), then in order to see the product you need to create an offer for this product and give access to product for the student.

You can read about how to create an offer in this article

After creating an offer, you need to go to CRM-Contacts, enter your email in the search. address and add product on the selected offer, marking it as paid. To learn how to manually grant access to a student, you can read in this article


If your course or marathon contains checkpoints and delays, they will affect the availability of lessons in your account student.

If an offer restricts the opening of access, then this restriction will also affect the availability of lessons in your student's office.