KWIGA help center LMS (education) Sales and launches (price plans settings, groups, sales outside of Kwiga) How to sell (give access to) parts of the course

How to sell (give access to) parts of the course


How to give introductory access to the course, sell part of the course or individual lessons.

On Kwiga, you are not limited in how you market your course. You can sell access to a single lesson, part of a module, or full access to a course, and at the same time, you have the opportunity to provide free access to parts of the course. This is all possible thanks to the flexibility in creating an offer. Not the need to create separate courses: introductory, advanced, separate course with bonus lessons. You can create one course and customize a few suggestions.

To get started, create the most complete version of the course, containing all possible lessons.

Then go to Sales-Offers and click +Offer

Fill out the first steps of the offer and in step 4 Access to content you can select Course settings - Access to lessons.

In the dropdown you can choose which modules / lessons will be available students on this offer.

If the offer includes several products, you will be able to submit settings for each course.

After saving an offer, you can create another offer, for example, including more modules.